One of the safest ways to rid toxins from one’s body is to enter a treatment center that is experienced with detoxification. However, as a recovering addict, you must be ready to summon an inner reservoir of strength to successfully make it through the day. Maybe you left counseling too soon, maybe you thought you were strong enough to hang out with friends who drink or use, maybe you aren’t taking good enough care of your physical health. Relapse is just a sign that you need to make a change in your life or your treatment. We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live life on your terms, without drugs or alcohol. Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs.

Inspirational Sobriety Quotes to Conquer Recovery

One thing you can do to make the day-to-day process of recovery easier is to keep a consistent schedule, Dr. Heinzerling says. “Go to bed and get up at the same time, exercise every morning, meditate every night,” Dr. Heinzerling says. Sticking to a schedule can help you stay busy, avoid falling back into bad habits, and give you things to look forward to. Progress doesn’t usually happen at a steady pace but often comes in bright bursts of improvement. Keep this in mind as you work through days or weeks or even months of struggling. Your breakthrough is coming and all the work you’re doing now is preparing you to receive it.

Recovery Quotes to Inspire You On Your Journey

These quotes can support, motivate and help you realize you are not alone. Like everything else, they are just another mechanism you can use. As many in the phase of healing know, hope is one of the most powerful things to hold on to. These sober as a sayings sobriety quotes offer us reasoning to persist in fighting addiction. With hope, we evolve more strongly, and by communicating that resilience through sobriety quotes, we inspire others to see a more optimistic future alongside us.

sobriety sayings

I Cried On My First Press Trip Sober

In addition, I’m obsessed with glitter ink and making things pretty. Resilience, the ability to bounce back despite adversity, is key in addiction recovery. If you’re looking for reasons to stay sober, think about Author William Paul Young’s quote about never discounting the healing power of tears. I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction.

  • Drinking is both the right of passage and the cost of entry for people in mainstream society.
  • Have control over your life — even over the mistakes.
  • I felt lonely because this wasn’t where I belonged.

I hope you enjoyed this collection of 30 days of sobriety quotes, 5 years of sobriety quotes, and 100 sobriety anniversary quotes. The very first step towards recovery is to seek help. Use our proud sober anniversary quotes to encourage a loved one to stay on the path to recovery and better health.

sobriety sayings

Below, I’ve rounded up some of the best inspirational sobriety quotes that have helped me stay strong through sobriety and live my life to the fullest. Crushing the power of addiction is no easy triumph. Every day can be a fight against inner tumult and outside forces affecting you.

This is one of those inspirational sobriety quotes that just makes me laugh. I’ve never broken out in handcuffs, but I’ve certainly gotten in trouble from alcohol more times than I care to admit. I think this quote from Anne Lamott is kinda funny. I feel like people believe that drinking brings so much happiness and fun to their lives, when in my experience, it’s been the opposite.

Motivational recovery quotes are perfect reminders to add to your sober journal or print off and hang up around your home. When I first got sober, I wrote sobriety quotes on colorful post-it notes and hung them up where I could see them. The daily battle for sobriety is an all-too-familiar struggle for many recovering addicts. Even those years into their sobriety, the threat of relapse remains lurking in their day-to-day lives. If you ever feel this way, know that plenty of people are dealing with the same struggle and that each day of sobriety is another victory. The phrase “take it one day at a time” so widespread, it’s pretty much become a cliché.

If you need more evidence that you’re not alone, here are some testimonials from familiar faces who have battled drug or alcohol abuse, and succeeded. Okay, I don’t really think that drinking alcohol is “selfish,” but I do know that it numbs all of the feelings, including the amazing ones. You can’t numb the bad feelings and not the good feelings while drinking. You numb everything, and lose a lot in the process.

  • Like Mary Poppins’ magic bag—you get a giant gift of joy in sobriety, but you also get a ton of other incredible gifts that have been stashed inside sobriety, too.
  • They crystallize our beliefs and drive our behavior—including helping and inspiring us to heal in the case of positive self-affirmation.
  • Research has also found that the effects of a hangover can continue to affect a person even after the alcohol has already left the bloodstream.
  • If you are concerned about any of the issues raised on this page then please seek medical advice from a doctor or treatment specialist.

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